April 2023

Fun Resin Printer Projects to Try

The image depicts a 3D printer in action, creating a detailed object layer by layer. The background shows a range of industries including medicine, construction, food, aerospace, fashion, education, and art, representing the potential applications of 3D printing. The text reads "Revolutionizing Industries: The Promising Future of 3D Printing

Creative ideas for 3D printing objects for home, office, or as gifts.

Here are some fun 3D projects that you could try:

  1. Design your own 3D printable object: Use software such as Tinkercad, SketchUp, or Blender to create a 3D model of something you want to print. You could make a toy, a piece of jewelry, or even a miniature sculpture.
  2. Create a 3D animation: Use Blender or another animation software to create a short animated film. You could make characters, scenery, and special effects.
  3. Build a 3D puzzle: Design a puzzle using a 3D modeling software and then print out the pieces. You could make a cube, pyramid, or any other shape that can be assembled.
  4. Design a 3D architectural model: Use SketchUp or another architectural software to create a 3D model of a building or landscape. You could make a house, a park, or a skyscraper.
  5. Create a 3D game: Use Unity or another game development software to create a 3D game. You could make a simple platformer or an action game.
  6. Make a 3D map: Create a topographical map using 3D modeling software. You could use real world terrain data to create a realistic map.
  7. Design a 3D printed prosthetic limb: Use software such as Fusion 360 or Autodesk to design a prosthetic limb. This could be a great way to use 3D printing technology to help people in need.
  8. Create a 3D music visualizer: Use software such as Processing to create a 3D visualization that reacts to music. You could make a trippy animation that matches the beats of your favorite songs.

There are many other 3D projects you could try depending on your interests and skill level. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun!

Fun Projects to Try

Resin printing is not only a practical tool for prototyping and manufacturing, but it can also be a fun hobby with endless possibilities for creativity.

Fun Project ideas to Try

  • Jewelry: Resin printing is perfect for creating unique and intricate jewelry pieces. Create your own custom designs or download free templates from online resources.
  • Figurines: Use your resin printer to bring your favorite characters to life with highly detailed figurines. There are countless models available online or design your own.
  • Home decor: Make one-of-a-kind pieces of home decor such as vases, candle holders, and picture frames. Experiment with different colors and textures to create a custom piece that will be a conversation starter in any room.
  • Cosplay props: Create accurate and detailed cosplay props, such as weapons or helmets, using your resin printer. With a little paint and finishing touches, you can make your cosplay stand out from the crowd.

With a little creativity and some basic knowledge of resin printing, you can create stunning and unique pieces that showcase your skills and personal style.

Transforming Everyday Objects

Transforming ordinary objects with resin printing typically involves the following steps:

  1. Select an object: The first step is to choose an object you want to transform. This could be anything from a vase or bowl to a piece of jewelry or a toy.
  2. Design the model: Using CAD software or a 3D scanner, you will need to create or capture a 3D model of the object. This step is essential because it will allow you to make any necessary adjustments and prepare the model for printing.
  3. Prepare the resin printer: Once you have the 3D model, you need to prepare your resin printer for printing. This involves filling the resin tank, leveling the build platform, and selecting the appropriate settings for your print.
  4. Print the model: With the printer prepared, you can now print the 3D model of the object. This may take several hours, depending on the complexity of the model.
  5. Post-processing: Once the print is complete, you will need to clean and cure the object to remove any excess resin and harden the final product.
    • Finishing touches: The final step is to add any finishing touches to the transformed object, such as sanding or painting.

Overall, transforming ordinary objects with resin printing is a creative and rewarding process that allows you to bring your ideas to life in 3D.

Earn Money With Your 3D Resin Printer

Yes, you can earn money with your resin printer or CAD designs. There are several ways to monetize your 3D printing skills:

  1. Print and sell products: You can create and sell your own 3D printed products on online marketplaces such as Etsy or eBay. Alternatively, you can offer your 3D printing services to customers who need custom parts or prototypes.
  2. Offer 3D printing services: You can offer your 3D printing services to others who may not have access to a 3D printer. This can include individuals or businesses who need custom parts or prototypes.
  3. Sell your CAD designs: You can create and sell your own CAD designs on online marketplaces such as MyMiniFactory or Thingiverse.
  4. Offer 3D modeling services: You can offer your 3D modeling services to customers who need custom designs or modifications to existing designs.

Before starting to monetize your 3D printing skills, make sure to research the market and the demand for your products or services. You should also consider the cost of materials and time required to produce your products, as well as any legal or regulatory requirements that may apply.

Stores Selling 3D Printed Items

  • Etsy: Etsy is a popular online marketplace where many sellers offer a wide range of 3D printed items. Here is an example of an ad for a 3D printed vase:
  • Amazon: Amazon also offers a variety of 3D printed products from a range of sellers. Here is an example of an ad for a 3D printed phone case:
  • Shapeways: Shapeways is a 3D printing service that allows users to upload their designs and have them printed and shipped. Here is an example of an ad for a 3D printed figurine.
  • Thingiverse: Thingiverse is a website where users can upload and share their 3D printing designs. Some users also offer their designs for sale on the site. Here is an example of an ad for a 3D printed plant pot.
  • Sculpteo: Sculpteo is another 3D printing service that offers a range of products and customization options. Here is an example of an ad for a 3D printed keychain.


Removing supports, sanding, and painting your prints.

Post-processing is an important step in 3D printing that helps improve the appearance and functionality of your printed parts. Here are some common post-processing techniques:

  1. Removing Supports: Supports are structures added to 3D prints to prevent overhanging parts from sagging or collapsing during the printing process. After printing, the supports need to be removed by carefully cutting or pulling them off the printed part. This can be done using a pair of pliers, tweezers, or a sharp knife. Be sure to remove all the supports carefully without damaging the printed part.
  2. Sanding: Sanding helps smooth out the surface of the printed part, removing any rough edges, bumps, or imperfections left behind by the printing process. It is recommended to use sandpaper with progressively finer grits, starting with a coarse grit (e.g. 100 grit) and gradually moving up to a fine grit (e.g. 800 grit). Sanding can be done manually or with the help of a rotary tool or sanding machine.
  3. Painting: Painting can be done to add color, texture, and protection to your printed parts. Before painting, make sure the surface of the printed part is clean and free of any debris or dust. Apply a primer to the part to help the paint adhere better. Then, apply the desired paint using a brush, spray can, or airbrush. Allow the paint to dry completely before handling the part.

Other post-processing techniques include smoothing with acetone vapor, filling gaps with filler or putty, and polishing with a polishing compound. The choice of post-processing technique will depend on the material used for printing, the desired finish, and the intended use of the printed part.

Best Practices for Resin Printing

Resin printing can produce highly detailed and intricate prints, but it requires some knowledge and attention to detail to get the best results.

Best Practices

  1. Handle resin with care, wear gloves and protective gear, and keep it away from open flames.
  2. Store resin properly in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  3. Always level your printer bed before starting a print and use the recommended print settings for your resin.
  4. Use a resin-compatible resin tank and replace it periodically to prevent contamination and leaks.
  5. Clean the resin tank and build platform regularly to prevent failed prints and improve print quality.
  6. Use supports to prevent warping, failed prints, and improve print quality.
  7. Use a UV curing chamber or a UV lamp to fully cure your prints and increase their strength.
  8. Post-process your prints with sanding, polishing, and painting to achieve a desired finish.
  9. Experiment with different resins, printers, and settings to find the best combination for your projects.
  10. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for your resin and printer.

    Attention to Detail

    1. Resin type: There are different types of resin available, each with their own properties and optimal printing conditions. Choosing the right resin for your project is important for achieving the desired quality and strength.
    2. Resin settings: Adjusting the exposure time, bottom layer exposure time, lift distance, and other settings in the slicer software can affect the quality and accuracy of the print.
    3. Print orientation: Just like with FDM printing, print orientation is important in resin printing as well. The orientation can affect the amount of support structures required, as well as the quality of the print.
    4. Supports: Proper support structures are important in resin printing to prevent the print from collapsing during the printing process. The location and number of supports can affect the quality of the print, as well as the amount of post-processing required.
    5. Print bed leveling: Ensuring that the print bed is level is crucial in resin printing to achieve a good first layer and prevent warping or detachment during the printing process.
    6. Resin curing: Properly curing the printed model is important for achieving the desired strength and stability. Curing time and temperature can affect the quality and durability of the print.
    7. Safety: Resin printing can produce harmful fumes and should be done in a well-ventilated area. Wearing gloves and eye protection is also important to avoid contact with the resin.

    By following these best practices and attention to details, you can improve your resin printing results and create impressive and high-quality prints.

    Enhancing your prints

    Using supports, rafts, and other printing techniques to improve print quality.

    When it comes to 3D printing, there are several techniques you can use to enhance the quality of your prints. Supports, rafts, and other printing techniques can help to improve print quality and ensure that your prints come out looking great.

    1. Supports: Supports are structures that are printed along with your model to provide additional support for overhanging parts. They are typically printed in the same material as your model, but can also be printed in a different material if necessary. Supports can be automatically generated by your slicing software, or you can add them manually to your model using CAD software. Removing supports after printing can sometimes leave marks on the surface of your model, but they are usually easy to clean up with some sandpaper or a file.
    2. Rafts: Rafts are thin layers of material that are printed underneath your model to provide additional adhesion and stability. They are especially useful for printing large or complex models, or models with small contact points. Rafts can be automatically generated by your slicing software, or you can add them manually using CAD software. Removing rafts after printing is usually easy, and they can help to prevent warping and other print issues.
    3. Brims: Brims are similar to rafts, but they are printed around the edges of your model rather than underneath it. They can help to prevent warping and provide additional adhesion, especially for models with small contact points. Brims are usually easy to remove after printing, and can be generated automatically by your slicing software.
    4. Layer Height: Changing the layer height of your prints can also help to improve print quality. A lower layer height will result in smoother surfaces and finer details, but will also increase print time. A higher layer height will result in faster prints, but with lower resolution and surface quality. Finding the right balance between print quality and speed is key to achieving great results.
    5. Bed Leveling: Ensuring that your print bed is level is critical for achieving good print quality. Uneven or warped beds can cause parts of your model to be under-extruded or over-extruded, resulting in poor quality prints. Most 3D printers have automatic bed leveling systems, but it’s always a good idea to manually check and adjust the bed level before each print.
    6. Cooling: Cooling is also important for achieving good print quality. A fan can be used to cool the filament as it’s being extruded, which can help to prevent stringing and other print issues. Many slicing software programs have settings for controlling fan speed during printing, which can be adjusted to achieve the best results for your specific model.

    By using these techniques, you can significantly improve the quality of your 3D prints and achieve the results you’re looking for.

    Troubleshooting Resin Prints

    Resin printing is an amazing technology, but like any other printing method, it can sometimes produce less than optimal results. If you’ve ever experienced failed prints, layer shifting, or print artifacts, then you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, most problems that arise during resin printing can be resolved with a little troubleshooting.

    Resin printing has several pros and cons in comparison to traditional 3D printing methods like Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM).

    Pros of resin printing:

    • Higher resolution and detail: Resin printing can achieve higher levels of detail and resolution due to the liquid resin used in the process.
    • Smooth surface finish: The surface finish of resin prints is generally smoother compared to FDM prints, as resin is cured in a liquid bath.
    • Ability to print complex shapes: Resin printing can print intricate and complex shapes with overhangs and internal cavities, which may not be possible with FDM printing.
    • Good for small parts: Resin printing is suitable for small parts, as it can print very fine details and small features with high accuracy.

    Cons of resin printing:

    • More expensive: Resin printing is generally more expensive than FDM printing, as the resin material is more costly and requires more specialized equipment.
    • Smaller print volume: Resin printers typically have smaller build volumes compared to FDM printers.
    • More messy and odorous: The liquid resin used in the printing process can be messy and emit strong odors, requiring proper ventilation and safety precautions.
    • Longer printing times: Resin printing can take longer than FDM printing due to the layer-by-layer curing process.

    Overall, resin printing may be more suitable for applications that require high levels of detail and intricate shapes, while FDM printing may be more cost-effective and practical for larger prints and functional parts.

    One of the most common issues with resin printing is failed prints. This can occur when the printer is not properly leveled, the resin is too old, or the printing settings are incorrect. To troubleshoot failed prints, start by checking the printer bed leveling and the resin’s age. If those are not the problem, then adjust the printing settings accordingly.

    Layer shifting is another common issue with resin printing. This can happen when the build platform or the resin tank is not properly secured, causing it to shift during the printing process. To avoid layer shifting, ensure that the build platform and resin tank are properly secured before starting a print.

    Print artifacts, such as rough surfaces, visible layer lines, or distortion, can also occur during resin printing. To troubleshoot print artifacts, start by examining the printer’s settings and adjust them as needed. Additionally, post-processing techniques, such as sanding or painting, can help smooth out rough surfaces or hide visible layer lines.

    In conclusion, troubleshooting resin prints is an essential part of the printing process. By taking the time to understand common issues and how to fix them, you can ensure that your resin prints come out perfectly every time. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be able to create stunning resin prints with ease.

    3D printing materials

    An overview of different types of filaments and their properties.

    3D printing materials, also known as filaments, are the materials used to create physical objects using a 3D printer. There are several types of filaments available for 3D printing, each with their own unique properties and applications. Here is an overview of some of the most commonly used filaments:

    1. PLA (Polylactic Acid) – PLA is one of the most popular 3D printing materials. It is made from renewable resources and is biodegradable, making it an environmentally-friendly option. PLA is easy to use, has a low melting point, and is ideal for printing detailed objects. However, it can be brittle and may not be suitable for objects that will be exposed to high temperatures or stress.
    2. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – ABS is a strong and durable filament that is often used to create functional objects. It has a high melting point and is resistant to impact and heat. However, it can be difficult to print with due to its tendency to warp and emit fumes during printing.
    3. PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) – PET is a strong and lightweight filament that is commonly used to create functional parts. It has a high melting point and is resistant to impact and moisture. However, it can be difficult to print with due to its tendency to warp.
    4. Nylon – Nylon is a strong and durable filament that is ideal for creating flexible and functional objects. It has a high melting point and is resistant to impact and abrasion. However, it can be difficult to print with due to its tendency to absorb moisture and warp.
    5. TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) – TPU is a flexible and rubber-like filament that is ideal for creating objects that require a high level of flexibility, such as phone cases and toys. It has a low melting point and is resistant to impact and abrasion. However, it can be difficult to print with due to its tendency to string and warp.
    6. PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) – PVA is a water-soluble filament that is commonly used as a support material. It dissolves in water, making it easy to remove from the final print. PVA is ideal for creating complex objects that require support structures. However, it can be expensive and may require special storage conditions to prevent moisture absorption.

    These are just a few examples of the many different filaments available for 3D printing. When choosing a filament, it’s important to consider the desired properties of the final object and the printing capabilities of your 3D printer.

    3D Resin Printers Modeling Software

    When it comes to 3D resin printing, the first step is to create a 3D model of the object you want to print. This requires 3D modeling software that can create a digital 3D model. There are various software options available in the market that are specifically designed for 3D modeling for resin printing.

    The best CAD software for a beginner depends on the individual’s preferences and specific needs. However, some CAD software options are generally considered to be more user-friendly and easier to learn than others.

    Tinkercad is a popular CAD software that is ideal for beginners. It is a free, web-based software that is easy to use and offers a variety of tools and features for designing 3D models. Tinkercad also offers tutorials and a community of users who can help you learn and troubleshoot any issues.

    SketchUp is another user-friendly CAD software that is easy to learn and use. It offers a wide range of tools for creating 3D models, including simple shapes and complex geometries. SketchUp also has a large community of users and online resources for learning and troubleshooting.

    The time it takes to learn CAD software can vary depending on the individual’s prior experience and skill level. With a dedicated effort, a beginner can become comfortable with the basics of a software like Tinkercad or SketchUp in a few weeks to a few months. However, mastering the more advanced features and capabilities of a software can take much longer and requires continued practice and experimentation.

    For more advanced users, there are options like Blender, which is a powerful open-source 3D modeling software. It offers a wide range of tools for creating complex 3D designs, including sculpting, animation, and rendering or Fusion 360. Fusion 360 is a professional-grade CAD software developed by Autodesk. It offers a wide range of tools and features for designing complex 3D models, including mechanical parts, architectural designs, and more. It is available for free for personal use and for small businesses with annual revenue under a certain threshold.

    Blender – free and open-source 3D creation suite that includes CAD functionality.

    Fusion 360 – powerful 3D CAD/CAM software for product design and manufacturing

    When choosing a 3D modeling software for resin printing, it is important to consider the level of experience, the complexity of the design, and the required features. It is also important to ensure that the software is compatible with your resin printer.

    Preparing a SD Card

    To use an SD card with a 3D printer, you will first need to ensure that the printer is compatible with SD cards. Most 3D printers, including resin printers, come with an SD card slot where you can insert the card.

    Setting up a Resin 3d printer SD Card:

    1. Save your 3D model as an STL file on your computer.
    2. Insert the SD card into your computer’s SD card reader.
    3. Transfer the STL file to the SD card.
    4. Eject the SD card from your computer and insert it into the 3D printer’s SD card slot.
    5. On the printer, navigate to the SD card menu and select the file you want to print.
    6. Start the print and monitor the progress.

    To find files for 3D designs, there are several options available. You can create your own 3D models using CAD software or download pre-made models from various online marketplaces or repositories.

    Some popular websites where you can find 3D designs for resin 3d printers include Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory, and Cults 3D. These websites allow users to download and share 3D models for free or for a fee, depending on the specific design and licensing terms.

    Thingiverse: Thingiverse is a community-driven platform for discovering, sharing, and creating 3D printable designs ranging from toys to functional parts.

    MyMiniFactory: MyMiniFactory offers a large library of 3D printable models, with a focus on quality, originality, and user experience.

    Cults 3D: Cults 3D is a marketplace for 3D printable designs featuring a large variety of categories from jewelry to art to engineering.

    Easy 3D Resin Projects for Beginners

    There are many things that a beginner can print with a 3D printer. Here are a few ideas for artistic, educational, and useful items:


    • Customized phone cases or laptop stands
    • 3D printed figurines or sculptures
    • Jewelry, such as earrings or necklaces
    • 3D printed art pieces, such as vases or frames
    • Decorative items like planters or candle holders


    • Topographic maps or other geographic models
    • 3D puzzles or brain teasers
    • Models of molecules or cells for biology or chemistry lessons
    • Models of ancient buildings or artifacts for history lessons
    • 3D printed musical instruments or experiment equipment


    • Replacement parts for broken household items, like knobs or clips
    • Customized phone holders or stands
    • Small storage containers or organizers
    • Keychains or luggage tags
    • Simple tool handles or custom jigs for a specific job

    These are just a few examples, but the possibilities for 3D printing are almost endless. As beginners become more experienced and comfortable with the technology, they can move on to more complex projects and designs.

    In summary, choosing the right 3D modeling software is a crucial step in the resin printing process. With the right software, you can create intricate and detailed 3D designs that are ready for printing.

    Tips and Tricks for Resin Printing

    Choose the right resin for your project, based on the color, finish, and required properties.

    Choosing the right resin is essential for achieving the desired results in your project. Some resins are more suitable for certain applications than others. For example, some resins are more durable and impact-resistant, while others may have a better surface finish. Consider the color, finish, and mechanical properties required for your project and choose a resin that meets those requirements.

    Use a resin-compatible 3D modeling software to create the design, such as Autodesk Fusion 360 or Blender.

    Using a resin-compatible 3D modeling software ensures that the design will be compatible with the resin printer. These software programs allow you to create 3D models with the proper file format and support for resin printing.

    Properly level the printer bed to ensure the print adheres to the bed during printing.

    Leveling the printer bed ensures that the first layer of the print adheres properly to the bed. A properly leveled bed also prevents the print from warping or lifting during printing.

    Optimize printing settings, including layer thickness, print speed, and exposure time, to achieve the best results

    Optimizing printing settings is crucial for achieving the best results. Adjusting settings such as layer thickness, print speed, and exposure time can help improve print quality and reduce print time.

    Calibrate the resin printer regularly to ensure accurate prints.

    Calibrating the resin printer regularly ensures that the printer is functioning correctly and producing accurate prints. Calibration should be performed regularly to maintain optimal print quality.

    Print small test models before printing larger, more complex designs.

    Printing small test models allows you to check for issues such as adhesion, warping, or incorrect settings before printing a larger, more complex design. It can help save time and materials in the long run.

    Adjust the support settings to minimize the number of supports while still providing adequate support for the print.

    Support structures are essential for printing complex designs, but they can be time-consuming to remove and may leave marks on the print. Adjusting support settings to minimize the number of supports while still providing adequate support for the print can save time and improve the final result.

    Use a curing station to improve the final print quality and strength.

    Curing the print in a curing station can improve the final print quality and strength. The curing station ensures that the print is fully cured and improves the mechanical properties of the resin.

    Post-process prints using techniques such as sanding, polishing, and UV curing.

    Post-processing techniques can improve the final result of the print. Sanding and polishing can improve the surface finish, while UV curing can improve the mechanical properties of the resin.

    Clean the printer and resin vat after each print to prevent contamination.

    Cleaning the printer and resin vat after each print helps prevent contamination and improves print quality. Resin can leave residue on the printer and vat, which can affect future prints.

    Store resin properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

    Proper storage of resin is critical for maintaining its quality. Storing resin in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight helps prevent degradation and prolongs its shelf life.

    Use quality resin to ensure consistent results.

    Using high-quality resin ensures consistent results and improves print quality. Cheap or low-quality resin may produce inconsistent results and affect the final print quality.

    Properly level the build platform to achieve consistent prints.

    Leveling the build platform ensures that the prints are consistent in size and shape. Proper leveling also prevents warping or lifting during printing.

    Calibrate the exposure time to ensure that the print is cured properly without overexposure or underexposure.

    The exposure time determines how long the resin is cured by the light source. Calibrate the exposure time to ensure that the print is cured properly without overexposure or underexposure. Overexposure can cause the print to become brittle and break easily, while underexposure can lead to incomplete curing and poor print quality.

    Clean the build platform and resin tank.

    Regularly clean the build platform and resin tank with IPA to prevent contamination and improve print quality. Failure to clean the platform and tank can result in poor print quality, failed prints, and damage to the printer.

    Adjust the support settings.

    Properly configured support structures are critical for achieving accurate and stable prints. Adjust the support settings to minimize the number of supports while still providing adequate support for the print. Overuse of support structures can result in a rough finish and may damage delicate parts.

    Use a curing station.

    Curing the print in a curing station can improve the final print quality and strength. The curing station ensures that the print is fully cured and improves the mechanical properties of the resin. Failure to fully cure the print can result in a brittle, weak, and easily breakable print.

    Post-process the print.

    After printing, post-processing can improve the final print quality. Remove the support structures, clean the print with IPA, and sand and polish the print to achieve the desired finish. A smooth finish and polished print enhances the overall appearance and quality of the print.

    Experiment with different settings.

    Experiment with different settings, such as exposure time, layer thickness, and support settings, to optimize the print quality and achieve the desired results. This helps in learning and understanding the printer’s capabilities and also allows for more control over the printing process.

    Have fun

    At the end of the day, 3D resin printing is a fun and creative hobby that can lead to amazing results. Don’t forget to enjoy the process and experiment with different designs, colors, and settings to see what works best for you. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful prints that you can be proud of.

    The Highest Level of Resin Printing

    The highest level of resin printing is generally considered to be achieved by industrial-grade resin 3D printers, which are capable of producing large, high-quality parts with exceptional detail and precision. These printers are typically used in industrial and professional settings, such as aerospace, automotive, and medical industries.

    Characteristics of high-level resin printing include:

    1. High resolution: Industrial-grade resin printers can produce parts with extremely high resolution, often at sub-micron levels.
    2. Large build volume: These printers are capable of printing large parts or multiple smaller parts in a single print job.
    3. Precision: The printers are equipped with advanced sensors and feedback systems to ensure precise layer-by-layer printing.
    4. Speed: Industrial-grade printers can often print at much higher speeds than consumer-grade printers, reducing production time and costs.
    5. Durability: The materials used in high-level resin printing are often stronger and more durable than those used in consumer-grade printers, making them suitable for demanding applications.

    Overall, the highest level of resin printing requires advanced technology, high-quality materials, and specialized expertise.